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Winter has arrived!

Winter has certainly arrived and the end of financial year is just around the corner.  In this newsletter we start with re-outlining some options for boosting your super before 30 June.

In addition with tax time approaching we provide a rundown of the work expenses you can and can't claim on tax. If you are self-employed then our article on super is a must-read. We also outline some ways you can save for your childrens' futures.

We finish off by exploring the secrets to a long life as learnt from the Blue Zones.

As always if you would like more information on any of the articles below or would like to make an appointment simply visit the Meet The Team page on our fresh new look website and make an appointment online, on a day and at a time that suits you. Alternatively, give the office a call and chat with Sally to make a suitable time.  Lastly, follow us on facebook if you'd like more frequent updates.

Kind regards,

MBA Financial Strategists Pty Ltd

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Super contributions - 30 June is just around the corner

Now might be a good time to top up your super and help give your balance a welcome boost. Here’s a guide to help you make the most out of your super before 30 June.

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Work expenses - what can you claim on tax?

With the ATO keeping a close eye on deductions, make sure you’re across what you can and can’t claim.

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Self-employed? There’s still time to grow your super

By Paul Clitheroe

While approximately 1.3 million Aussies run their own show, one in five has no superannuation at all.

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Investing for kids – ways to save for their future

Whether you’re thinking about childcare, education or beyond, saving even a bit now could make a big difference later.

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Lessons from the Blue Zones: secrets of a long life

The parts of the world where people live longest may hold the key to the fountain of youth. We explore how to live longer and uncover the Blue Zones’ secrets of a long life.

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